Melawati / Wangsa Melawati Gospel Centre Sunday Prayer Meeting March 1999 (2nd edition)


  1. Sunday Worship Meeting; Our theme for the month is the Loving God (Psalm 36).
  2. Morning Ministries & Duties for MGC & WMGC :
  3. Date



    14 Mar 99

    The two Adams

    Eric Kirton

    Great Peace Mission

    Lim CK

    21 Mar 99

    Joy of working

    Albert Chew

    I know a secret

    Har VP

    28 Mar 99


    Harold Cooke


    Khoo Ah Chai


    MGC / WMGC Prayer Meeting - Prayer Chairman

    W/Ship Leader

    14 March 99

    Christ (John 4, 9 & Acts10) - Leong KK

    Victor Leong

    21 Mar 99

    Peter & John (Acts 4 : 19, 20) - Ee YC

    Robert Chew

    28 Mar 99

    Paul (Acts 20: 24) - Har VP

    Teoh GL

  4. WMGC English Class - Pray that the children who continue to attend the class will not only find the lessons helpful but also find God in the process of learning. Also, pray that the youth will bring their friends to the Saturday youth fellowship.
  5. Combined MGC & WMGC GOSPEL SERVICE MEETING (Sun 28/2) : Give thanks for Justin who accepted Christ during the service.
  6. MGC Sunday School : Pray for the new teachers who will be teaching classes in the MGC Sunday School. Remember Audrey Lee as she recovers from the chicken pox infection.


  1. Sick : Yip Kam Hong is hospitalised in Gleneagles Hospital with Dengue Fever infection for almost a week. Pray for continual recovery as he had transfusions during the past few days due to low platelets count. Also for Ivy too down with Dengue Fever and hospitalised in Sentosa Hospital. Remember Yen Chaw who fainted in TAR college recently. Pray for Chee Yein's colleague Miss Lang whose father, uncle & auntie died of JE infection recently. Pray for emotional healing as her mother is still hospitalised with JE infection.
  2. Marie Low: Pray for her as she undergoes another series of tests on 18 March 99 for her blood disorder. She asks us to pray that she can transfer her medical records from Subang Jaya Medical Centre to UKM Cheras to minimise cost.
  3. Chong Mei Lin: Pray for her as she is involved in the Project Caleb which is a follow-through development program for RBS graduates. She will also be giving a talk in Scripture Union on prayer & fasting. Pray also for wisdom as she counsels people especially those with problems related to boy-girl / parent-child relationships and addictions.
  4. Yip Siao Lyn & Dan Lee Peng: Pray for both of them as they attend different YWAM courses in Australia. S Lyn appreciates prayers for direction in her outreach destination ... possible destinations are NY, LA, in USA...or Newcastle or Sydney. Lyn gives thanks for major breakthroughs in her lecture phase. Lee Peng in Melbourne says she is learning to listen to God. Pray for L Peng as she prepares for the mission trip in April covering Beijing, Russia and Europe. She adds "I truly believe that God wants to take me to another level of spiritual growth. I've never been so excited about God in my life. I thank God for the opportunity to be here. Thank you. "
  5. Dan Fong Shin: Pray for her as she will be sharing at MGC Young Adults on "loneliness" on 19 March 99 and away from 22 March to 9 April 99 in Camp Cameron's in Ringlet. Pray for her as she prepares a series on "developing your personal ministry & mission" for students.
  6. Non-Christians: Spouses of our sisters: Chan Chee Keong (Margaret), Mr Chin (Catherine), Chong Heng (Anne), Dick Yap (Mary Yap), Choong Pew Meng (Mary Choong), Mr Chee (Elsie). Parents: Mr & Mrs Ee (Yew Chuan parents), Mrs Chow (Desmond mother), Mr & Mrs Leong Poh Sun (Erwin parents), Mrs & Mrs Wong (Harry parents), Mrs Loh (Lee Sar mother). Relatives: Mr & Mrs Ong Lye Hin (Ching Kut’s bro & sis in law), Mr & Mrs Peter Chin, Mr & Mrs Yap Ying Choy, Mr & Mrs Yap Kam Wah (Kam Hong & Jen Peng bros & sis in laws). Pray for James mother to have a forgiving heart for her husband.
  7. Baptism candidates: Pray for (1) Lisa Marie van Geyzel and her sister (2) Kristin Lilian, (3) Daniel Wong Beng Ho, (4) Yvonne and (5) Leong Kit Hon as they are about to declare their public confession of their faith through the waters of baptism end of March 1999.
  8. INDONESIA: In spite of all the violence, the Christian community is determined to be a witness for Christ in the middle of financial chaos, social upheaval, and violent persecution. Pray for endurance for our fellow Christians as they serve God in this turmoil in their own country.
  9. MGC Young People: Pray for new YP members that they will be regular members and feel part of YP as we continue to encourage each other in their walk with God. Pray also for those who can't make it due to tuition, studies, parents, etc. Among them are Joanne, Pang Kean, sisters Jamie & Trudy, Lavinia, Wen Eu and Jo Han. Pray for Gregory as he finds it hard to concentrate on studies and anxious over the SPM exam. Pray for YP members studying overseas eg Aaron Sam (Scotland), Audrey Sam(NZ), Chong Chee Seong (England), Teoh Keh Lee & Lim Hui Ling (Aust), John Yeoh (US) & Leong Siaw May(S'pore). Remember the girls especially as they tend to miss home more than the boys do. Pray for Aaron Sam who will be having exams in June and hopefully be back in Malaysia for his two-month elective in July 99.